In New England we are snowed in. I’m not just talking a few inches, I mean 2 feet! The snow came steady and fast over the course of the last 48 hours and seems to have only stopped so that the kids can go out and do their best to maneuver over the mounds of pure white crystal. Gloves were lost, and floors were puddled but cheeks were rosy and frost-kissed in the afternoon romp.

February is an interesting month. In New England I feel like we are making our way through the long winter but know that there are still months left to go until the first signs of spring.

Provincetown’s usual summer hustle and bustle has died down for the winter and may even be a bit quieter this year than in past winters but we have been lucky at our store and factory to keep everything warm and humming.
Our copper vats still sizzle with sugary heat and cream and our taffy pulling machines get a good all-day work out. The mixing table gleams sparking clean and ready for the next taffy variety to be mixed with ribbons of color and flavor. The cooling trays are heavy with all of our favorite fudges ready to be cut: dark chocolate, maple pecan, chocolate cherry 🍒, vanilla, and so many more.
Rosie, our taffy wrapping machine is over 25 years old but she still chugs along at a good clip: cutting, twisting and popping out brightly colored paper-wrapped salt water confections. I have heard that she can be temperamental but it usually just takes a bit of love and care to get her off and running again.

Our taffy wall is really something to see these days. To make our workflow better for our staff and quicker for our online customer orders we have created an entire wall of bins where taffy goes in after it is wrapped and bagged and then is pulled from to pack up and complete our orders. This wall of flavors is in constant motion with fresh taffy, in and out, in and out!
We have not forgotten about our sweet little retail store either! We are gearing up for a great summer 2021 and choosing some new items to populate our shelves. What are some items that you would like to see either in our physical retail store or on the “shelves” of our online outlet? Is there something that you’ve been itching to try or a candy from your childhood that you just can’t find anymore? Write to us at or shout out to us on Facebook or Instagram. We’d LOVE to hear your thoughts! Our retail store hours change during this time of the year but if you want to plan a visit please give us a call at (508) 487- 3550 and we can give you our current information - we’d be so happy to see you :)))
Stay sweet,
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